WordPress... OllyBlog

Monday, 26 February 2007

Epic Movie

Epic Movie... I would think is, well one of the worst movies, if you can even call it a movie of all time. I wasn't expecting much from it in the first place. But the thing that just isn't funny about this film is it's a comedy, and it makes fun and takes the micky out of other comedys... this just isn't funny.

Now the reason this works for other films for example Scary Movie is that the film they are pariodying in the first place isn't ment to be funny, so that works but it doesn't with Epic Movie.

And why EPIC! I mean its not that epic to be honest and the storyline is all over that place, for example (this may contain spoliers - not that you would care anyway)

Epic Movie starts off with these 4 orphans, these 4 orphans are related at the start to other movies, like X-men, and...urmm, I can't think of the others.

But anywa, they all get these charlie and the chocolate factory style gold tickets, still.. not... very... funny. So they all meet up at the factory, and doing the worst Michael Jackson impression ever, they like most crap american comedies, end up with half nacked girls nocking peoples balls out... still... not... funny.

So they get locked up by the bad Michael Jackson impressionist, and they suddenly find a Narnia like wardrobe, and of course they end up in narnia, and they bring in jonny depp as captin jack, and stuff and yehhh. It's all *@$% from there.

Then they parodie click, (the movie with the magic remote control) and they all do stuff.

Don't spend £6 on tickets, don't watch it... its crap. Period.

Thursday, 22 February 2007


Tee-Hee, YouTube is down! Yes I know but finally YouTube is down and we can all mock them, umm wonder to LiveVideo and see whats going on there...

Thursday, 8 February 2007

Transisco Website Update

The Transisco website is nearly ready for air! Yay, but it comes out and I think this is right on the Friday 16th Feburay

I'm On Bebo

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Knox Kast Episode 36

Knoxkast Episode 36

Listen to More @ www.knoxskorner.com

Monday, 5 February 2007

S*m D**f

S*m Du***l is a girl. Her life started out when born in a trash can. The world though much of S*m, but when she kept poking me with a pen, I swear... there is nothing wrong with swearing really, I mean its just a word at the end of the day, F*** or S*** or B***** Hell. They are just words, how in anyway were they bad words in the first place?
S*m, got me into trouble for something that...really...was her fault. Her fault. And I have to write out 10 other phrases that are not swearing to increase my vocab. Thanks Mrs Ch**g, who does everything sooooo slowly that yes, we could be in china by the time we finish the lesson. (Seeing as I have been to china, she talks like she has a speech impediment! 13 hours flight!)

So that's my story, should I have been told off?

(EDIT: Names removed via persons notice)

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