WordPress... OllyBlog

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Randomly Codes are Aphs*it

Now whenever you sign up for things now, seeing as it's all 'web 2.0' you need to enter a code into a box of randomly renerated numbers and letters. Now this seems to be the norm. now, it's on websites letting you sign up, and it's on forums and it's about every single bloody thing ever on the interweb.

So when I was signing up for Gmail one day I was this:

Now this looks like the standard form to you but look a little closer and you will see something that could get you into trouble if your signing up from work or at school.

The word aphs*it appeared and I just thought it would be interesting if I blog-ed about it. So you see anything that's randomly generated however great and snazzy it can be, is always aphs*it at some point, in fact that would can be my new put-down, now just when to use it...

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